Section 100
Educational Philosophy
Section 200
- 200 Stmt Guiding Principles
- 202 School District Name and Classification
- 204 Policy Adoption
- 205 Continuous Improvement Plan
- 206 Public Charter School
- 206F1 Application for Employee Transfer from Charter School
- 206F2 Application for Student Transfer from Charter School
- 207 Charter School Petition Policy
- 208P Public Charter School Petition Procedures
- 209 Enforcement, Renewal and Revocation of Charter
- 260 Agenda Preparation
- 262 Board Meetings
- 262P Board Meeting Rules of Order and Procedure
- 264 Meeting of the Board Annual
- 266 Regular Meeting of the Board
- 268 Special Meetings
- 270 Executive Sessions
- 272 Minutes of Meeting
- 276 Access to Public Records
- 276F3 Public Records Request Form
- 277 Record Retention
- 280 Waivers of Education Rules
- 290 Discrimination Prohibited
- 292 Accommo. for Disabilities
- 293 504 Hearing Procedure
- 294P1 Civil Rights Grievance Procedure
- 296 Title IX Policy
- 296P1 Title IX Grievance Procedure
- 296F1 Title IX Reporting Form
- 296F2 Title IX Notice of Allegations Template
- 296F3 Title IX Notice of Allegations.Respondent.Template
- 296F4 Title IX Notice of Allegations.Respondent.Witness
- 296F5 Title IX Notice.Delay
Section 300
- 300 Stmt Guiding Principles
- 302 Admin. Appoint
- 304 Superintendent Appointment
- 305 Superintendent Evaluation
- 306 Superintendent Authority
- 308 Principals' Contracts
- 310 Principal Evaluations
- 312 Admin Expenses
- 314 Employing Retired Administrators
- 350 School Calendar
- 354 Emergency School Closure
- 356 School Holidays
Section 400
- 400 Stmt Guiding Prin.
- 400.10 Veteran Employment Preference
- 400.10F1 Veterans Preference Notice
- 400.50 Reporting New Employees
- 401 Employees with Disablities
- 401F1 Reasonable Accommodation Form
- 401F2 Medical Release for Reasonable Accommodation Request
- 401F3 Letter to Healthcare Provider re Reasonable Accommodation Request
- 401F4 Physician Reasonable Accommodation Form
- 401P1 Procedures for Requesting Reasonable Accommodation
- 402 Criminal History
- 402.50 Report Criminal Offense
- 403 Drug and Alcohol Use
- 404 Employer Recommendations
- 404.50 Past Job Performance
- 404.50F2 Release with Prior Public School Experience
- 405 Gifts to Employees
- 406 Investigating Abuse
- 406F1 Investigating and Reporting Child Abuse
- 406.50 Student Teachers
- 411 Personnel Files
- 412 Employee Conduct
- 413 Political Activities
- 414 Sexual Harassment
- 415 Staff Protection
- 416 Whistle Blower
- 417 Employee volunteers
- 418 Conflict of Interests
- 419 Workers Compensation Benefits
- 419.5 Sup. Advisory Council
- 420 Safety Management Program
- 421 HIPAA Privacy Rule
- 421F1 HIPAA Sample Letter
- 421F2 (HIPAA Notice)
- 423 Harassment
- 430, 440, 441 Admin Procedures for Policies
- 440 Definition of Certified Employee
- 441 Certificated Assignment and Transfer
- 442 Code of Ethics
- 443 Certificated Evaluations
- 444 Certificated Contracts
- 445 Probation of Certificated Employees
- 446 Negotiated Agreement Terms
- 447 Recruitment of Certificated Employees
- 448 Reduction in Force
- 448F1 Reduction in Force Form
- 448P Reduction in Force Procedures
- 449 Release from Contract
- 450 Phone use by Staff
- 452 Suspension of Teaching Certificate
- 453 Support Programs
- 454 Certificated Discharge
- 455 Master Teachers
- 456 Reading Programs In-service Training
- 457 Supplemental Contracts
- 458 Tutoring and Private Lessons
- 459 Reassignment of Administrative Employee
- 460 Informal Review Procedure for Certificated Employees
- 462 Staffing Patterns
- 464 Exempt Employees
- 465 Employing Retired Personnel
- 465.5 Access to Buildings
- 466.5 Travel and Per Diem Allow
- 467 School Day
- 469 Salary for Summer School
- 470 Definition of Non Certificated Personnel
- 471 At-Will Employment
- 471.5P Classified Dismissal Procedure
- 473 Group Health Ins
- 474 Evaluation Non-Certificated Employees
- 476P1 Non-Certificated Grievance
- 478 Leave Non Cert
- 480 Vacation for Non-Cert
- 475 Overtime Requirements
Section 500
- 500 Stmt of Guiding Principles
- 502 Student Handbooks
- 504 Student Publications
- 506 Harassment
- 506.50 Prohib Harassment abd Bullying
- 506.50F1 Investigative Form
- 506.50 SPANISH-Prohib Harass and Bullying
- 506.50F1 SPANISH-Investigative Form
- 507 Juvenile Sex Offenders
- 508 Foreign Students
- 509 Tracking Foreign Students
- 512 School Climate
- 514 Evacuation Fire Drills
- 518 Student Electronic Devices
- 540 Maintenance of Orderly Conduct
- 541 Prohibition of Weapons
- 542 Searches by School Officials
- 543 Student Suspension
- 544 Student Expulsion
- 545 Disciplining Students IDEA
- 546 Disciplining Students 504
- 547 Release of Students to Law Enforcement
- 548 Theft or Destruction of School Property
- 549 Prohibition of Gang Activities
- 550 Assault and Battery
- 551 Student Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco
- 551 P1 Student Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Use or Possession
- 553 Restraint and Seclusion
- 554 Relationship Abuse
- 556 Academic Honesty
- 555 Communicable Diseases
- 558 Accommodating Students with Seizure Disorders or Epilepsy
- 560 Use Of Stock Epinephrine Auto-Injectors By School Personnel
- 561 Administering Medications
- 562 Exclusion for Communicable Diseases
- 563 Head Lice (Pediculosis)
- 565 Immunization Requirements
- 566 Student Suicidal Prevention
- 566P Student Suicidal Tendencies
- 567 Students with Living Will
- 569 School Wellness
- 569.50 Concussions
- 569.50P1 Concussion Procedures
Section 600
- 600 Stmt of Guiding Principles
- 601 Guidance and Counseling
- 602 Accreditation
- 604 Personnel Standards
- 607 Elementary Required Instruction
- 608 Middle School Required Instruction
- 609 Middle School Credit
- 609.50 Course Credit Before 9th Grade
- 610 H.S. Grad Reqts
- 612 Opportunity Scholarship Program
- 614 Commencement
- 615 Copyrighted Audio Visual Use in the Classroom
- 615F1 Request to Use Copyrighted Video
- 616 Early Graduation
- 620 Credit Acceptance
- 623 Extended Learning Opportunities
- 623F1 Extended Learning Opportunities Application Form.Students
- 623F2 Extended Learning Opportunities Application Form.Sponsor
- 623F3 Extended Learning Opportunities MOU
- 624 Statewide Assessments
- 626 Promotion of Students
- 644 Controversial Issues
- 648 Health and Wellness
- 652 Library and Resource Center Materials
- 652P Library and Resource Center Materials Procedure
- 652F Library and Resource Center Materials - Challenge Form
- 656 Homebound Instructiondoc
- 657 Homebound Services - IDEA
- 658 Social Studies
- 660 Technology
- 661 Copyrighted Materials
- 664 Workforce Skills
- 664F1 Work-Based Learning Release Form
- 664F2 Informed Consent Waiver and Release.Transportation
- 669 Sp Ed Services to Private School Students
- 670 Special Education
- 670.10 SPED Written Agreements
- 671 Section 504
- 671F1 504 Rights Notice
- 672 Gifted Talented Ed
- 673 Reading Assessment
- 674 Limited English Proficiency Programs
- 676 Alternative Schools
- 677 Parental Involvement
- 677F1 - Sample - Title I District Wide Parent and Family Engagement Policy NEW
- 677.10 Parental Involvement
- 678 Release Time
- 679.50 Homeless Education
- 679.50F1 Notification of Enrollment Decision Form
- 679.50F2 Appeal of Enrollment Decision Form
- 679.60 Out-of-State Students in Residential Facilities
- 679.70 Students in Foster Care
- 679.80 Transportation for Students in Foster Care
Section 700
- 701 Use of District Owned or Leased Vehicles
- 702 Student Transportation System
- 704 Establishing Bus Routes Stops and Nontransportation Zones
- 710 Student Transportation
- 712 Student Transportation System
- 716 Transportation Liability Insurance
- 718 Transportation Contracts
- 720 Activity Busing
- 722 Unauthorized School Bus Entry
- 726 Safety Busing
- 730 Student School Bus Conduct
Section 800
- 850 Purchasing
- 850.30 Purchasing Services or Personal Property
- 850.60 Service Contracts
- 850.90 Public Works Construction
- 850P1 Supplemental Purchasing Procedures
- 851 Supplemental Bidding Procedures
- 852 Payment for Goods and Services
- 856 Lease-Purchase Agreements
- 857 Personal Service Contracts
- 857.50 Contracted Ed Services
- 858 Purchase Orders and Payment for Goods
- 864 HIPAA Compliance
- 868 Use of School and District Credit Cards
- Vallivue Edgar Procedures
- 871 Storage and Retrieval of Business Records
- 872 Inventory Records
- 874 Personnel Records
- 876 District Expenditure Transparency
- 877 Federal Time Reporting
- 877F1 Time and Effort PAR Report Form
- 877F2A Time and Effort PAR Report Form
- 877F2B Time and Effort Substitute systems in lieu of time and effort PAR reports
- 877P1 Time and Effort Procedure
Section 900
- 902 Grounds and Maintenance
- 904 Building Safety
- 906 Asbestos Management Plan
- 908 National Motto
- 910 Rental Use
- 922 Real Property
- 934 Trespass on School Properties
- 940 Camera Surveillance
- 942 Acceptable Technology Use
- 942F1 Internet Use Agreement
- 950 Prohibition Against Smoking
- 962 Use of Trademarks and Service Marks
- 970 Service Animals
- 970P Service Animal Procedures
- 980 Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
- 982 Use of Naloxone by School Personnel
- 982F1 Naloxone Administration Form
- 990 Bloodborne Pathogens
Section 1000
- 1000 Guiding Principles
- 1002 Parental Involvement
- 1004 Law Enforcement Agencies
- 1006 Sex Offenders
- 1010 Community Involvement
- 1012 Patron Complaint
- 1014 Public Relations
- 1020 Student Community Involvement
- 1024 Contests, Projects and Fundraising
- 1042 Loan of School Equipment
- 1044 Advertising in the Schools
- 1046 Patron Conduct
- 1050 Parental Notification
- 1054 Recruitment of High School Students
- 1055 Drones
- 1056 Web Accessibility